Library Uses Policy
Aims & Objective
Function & Services
Maximum Used Online Journals Available in the IACS Library
Online Services available from IACS Library
Journal Digital Archive (Backfiles) of Major Publishers
Printed Current Journals
Bound Value Journals
E-Journals available through NKRC
Highly Used e-books
Online Serials/Advances
Printed Serial / Advance
Online Library Catelog





Maximum Used Online Journals Available in the IACS Library



ACS Nano

Accounts of Chemical Research

Acta Crystallographica A

Acta Crystallographica B

Acta Crystallographica C

Acta Crystallographica D

Acta Crystallographica E

Acta Crystallographica F

Acta Materialia

Advanced Materials

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

Advances in Physics

American Journal of Physics

Analytica Chimica Acta

Analytical Biochemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Angewandte Chemie

Annalen der Physik 

Annals of Physics

Applied Optics

Applied Physics

Applied Physics Letters

Applied Surface Science

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables



Bioorganic Chemistry

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

Bulletin of Materials Science


Carbohydrate Research




Chemical Communication

Chemical Physics

Chemical Physics Letters

Chemical Reviews

Chemical Society Reviews

Chemistry: A European Journal

Chemistry Letters

Chemistry of Materials

Classical and Quantum Gravity

Coordination Chemistry Reviews

Coordination Chemistry Reviews

Crystal Growth and Design

Current Science

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics


Dalton Transactions


Electrochimica Acta

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

European Journal of Organic Chemistry

European Journal of Physics

European Physical Journal A

European Physical Journal  B

European Physical Journal  C

European Physical Journal   D

European Physical Journal   E

Europhysics Letters (EPL)


Faraday Discussions

The FEBS Journal


Few- Body Systems

Fuel Cells



Green Chemistry


Helvetica Chimica Acta



Indian Journal of Physics

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry Communication

Inorganica Chimica Acta

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics

International Journal of Modern Physics

International Journal of Nanoscience

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

International Journal of Theoretical Physics




Laser and Particle Beams

Liquid Crystals



Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics


Materials Chemistry

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry

Measurement Science and Technology

Microbiology and Immunology

Modern Physics Letters

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society



Nano Letters


Nano Today

Natural Product Reports 


New Journal of Chemistry 

New Journal of Physics 

New Scientist


Nuclear Physics A

Il Nuovo Cimento A


Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry

Organic Letters

Organic Electronics



Philosophical Magazine

Photochemistry and Photobiology

Physica A : Statistical Mechanics

Physica B: Condensed Matter

Physica Scripta

Physica Status Solidi (a)

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)

Physical Review  A

Physical Review  B

Physical Review  C

Physical Review  D

Physical Review  E

Physical Review Letters

Physics Letters A

Physics Letters B

Physics of Fluids

Physics Reports

Physics Today

Physics – Uspekhi



Polymer Chemistry

Polymer Composites

Polymer Engineering and Science

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), USA

Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization

Progress of Theoretical Physics

Progress of Theoretical Physics : Supplement


Reports on Progress in Physics


Review of Scientific Instruments



Semiconductor Science and Technology


Solar Cells

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Solid State Communications

Solid State Sciences

Spectrochimica Acta

Surface Science






Tetrahedron Letters

Thin Solid Films



Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

JETP Letters

Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)

Journal of Applied Crystallography

Journal of Applied Physics

Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Journal of Chemical Education

Journal of Chemical Physics 

Journal of Chemical Science 

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Journal of Crystal Growth

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena

Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Journal of High Energy Physics

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

Journal of the Less Common Metals

Journal of Luminescence

Journal of Low Temperature Physics 

Journal of Materials Chemistry

Journal of Materials Research

Journal of Mathematical Physics 

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 

Journal of Molecular Biology

Journal of Natural Products

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Journal of Optics

Journal of Organic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A : Chemistry

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Journal of Physical Chemistry  C

Journal of Physical Chemistry  Letters

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry

Journal of Physics A

Journal of Physics B

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter

Journal of Physics D

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)

Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

Journal of Semiconductors

Journal of Statistical Mechanics

Journal of Statistical Physics

Journal of the European Ceramic Society  


Online database uses policy


Library Regulation on Systematic or Excessive Downloading

Observing the law on copyright and systematic or excessive downloading of electronic content


The use of Library materials and facilities is subject to data protection legislation, copyright law and vendor license agreements. Users must observe the applicable copyright law and the terms of any vendor license agreements for materials they use, including print materials, electronic resources and materials in all other formats.  The Law states that serious infringement in photocopying, scanning or downloading of copyrighted material could lead to civil action or even criminal prosecution.

What does 'systematically download', or 'excessively download' mean?

It is defined as a deliberate attempt to copy or distribute a whole or significant part of an electronic resource using 'robots' or any such software, or any manual means designed for wholesale infringement, which results in a vendor license violation on the part of the Association and/or its Library.

So, it means that users may not continuously download one article after another, one entire issue of an e-journal after another, the complete run of an entire e-journal, one after another. By extension, it also means that users may not set robots, spiders, or Web wanderers free upon their data repositories, to do this same systematic or excessive downloading. These information providers wish to protect their intellectual property. They do not wish to see their entire electronic resource, or massive chunks of the same, pirated away to be hosted on servers outside their control, and thus loose a potential revenue.

Authorized individual use. An Authorized User may, acting as an individual and not in a professional capacity as a librarian of the Subscribing Institution:

We ask for your compliance, so that all of us will abide by the terms of contract of The Association with the respective Vendor and continue to enjoy access to all of the electronic resources that they provide.


Its primary objective is to support and help in promoting research by catering to the needs of its scientific community. In light of this, it has four clear objectives :

It has vast collection of very old scientific journals of immense historical and archival values -- a collection that has no parallel in any other library of a research Institute.  Its present collection is as follows (as on 31.03.2014)

The library has a special responsibility to keep its clientele up-to-date and intellectually stimulated by providing pertinent literature, not only in areas of immediate concern, but also in areas of emerging and developing importance within the scope of the library; and by contributing to the preservation; transmission, and accessibility of new knowledge.

It extends one of the most liberal usage facilities in the region -- all potential users have direct access to the shelves of the books and journals and offers extensive reprographic services to users from all over India. Keeping in view, the basic services are :

i) Reading facilities for all members and non-members on permission
ii) Borrowing facility (for staff and our students)
iii) Bibliographic and reference services
iv) Reprographic or document supply service to all including outstation users
v) Resource sharing programme between Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics and our Association
v) Documents supply via Email
vi) Internet facility for the library members.
vii) Online database search service.



Journal Section                                                                                                                                 Journal Section


The IACS library, has grown out of the research needs of the Association from its very beginning (1876). So it is the oldest library of its kind and occupies a unique position among the academia of the Eastern India. A measure of its social impact may be gained by noting that it caters to the needs of more than 3000 external users, while the staff and scholars of the Association would total to nearly 350. Yearly budget for the Library is more than five Crore. An air-conditioned new building house the library with all amenities to the users.

 IACS Library - An Overview  

Library Rules and Regulations  

Online Database Uses Policy    

Membership Form     

Library Book Recommendation form


For any suggestion regarding this page please send Email (library [at] or 
call librarian (+91 33 2473 4971 - ext. 650)


Online Services available from IACS Library


 Elsevier E-Books 
                            Wiley Online e-Books 

E-Journals and Bibliographic services Available from IACS (For internal use)

1. SCIENCE DIRECT has evolved from a web database of Elsevier journals to one of the world's largest providers of Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM) full text and bibliographic information.

2. SPRINGER LINK offers electronic literature from Springer-Verlag is including Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff, and Birkhauser. At present it offer over 1,200 journals, and more than 2,500 book titles in over 25 series. And the retro-digitization of Journal Articles will add another 1.5 million articles, all available through a single interface.  

3. Springer Materials – The Landolt-Bornstein Database  SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-B�rnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases and chemical safety data.

4. WEB OF SCIENCE and INSPEC offers bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references from highly regarded journals and books world-wide. Science Citation Index Expanded from 1999 to present cover over 6,000 science and technical journals from around the world. It uses citations (author footnotes) to help researchers search backward and forward in time - easily identifying which articles have the most impact in their areas of study.

5. SciFinder provides access to the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of chemistry-related information. For accessing this database one has to register first by clicking the Registration Link and follow the instructions there to get registered as a valid user.

6. SciVerse Hub  Elsevier's search product suite for search and discovery. Science Direct and Scopus integrated in this hub. 
SciVerse Hub is your key to performing advanced searches across SciVerse ScienceDirect and SciVerse Scopus content, and web content.

7. SCOPUS - The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources


8. Wiley online library publishes journals on CHEMISTRY and Polymers & Materials Science (full text available).    


Journal Digital Archive (Backfiles) of Major Publishers


American Chemical Society (ACS) Journal Legacy Archive: 1879 - 1995

  1. Accounts of Chemical Research �(1973 - )
  2. Chemical Reviews (1924 - ) 
  3. Inorganic Chemistry (1962 - ) 
  4. Journal of Organic Chemistry (1936 - )
  5. Journal of Physical Chemistry (1925 – 1946 ) (1952 – 1996)
  6. Journal of Physical & Colloid Chemistry (1947 – 1991)
  7. Journal of Physical Chemistry A� (1997 - )
  8. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (1997 - )
  9. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2007 - )
10. Journal of the American Chemical Society� (1915 - )
11. Organic Letters (2001 - )
12. Langmuir (1992 - )
13. Analytical Chemistry� (1947 - )
14. Biochemistry� (1962 - )
15. Chemistry of Materials� (1989 - )
16. Organometallics� (1984 - )

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Archive: 1841-2004

  1. Chemical Society Reviews� (1972 - )
  2. Natural Product Reports� (1984 - )
  3. Journal of the Chemical Society� (1966 – 1971)
  4. Journal of the Chemical Society A
  5. Journal of the Chemical Society B
  6. Journal of the Chemical Society D
  7. Discussion of the Faraday Society � (1947 – 1971)
  8. Faraday Discussion of the Chemical Society (1972 - )
  9. JCS: Faraday Transactions (1972 – 1998)
10. JCS: Chemical Communications� (1972 - )
11. JCS: Dalton Transactions� (1972 - )
12. JCS: Perkin Transaction I (1972 – 2002)
13. JCS: Perkin Transaction II (1972 – 2002)
14. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (1999 - )
15. Journal of Materials Chemistry (1996 - )
16. New Journal of Chemistry (1999 - )
17. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry (1904 – 1967)
18. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry A (Serial) (1979 - )
19. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry B (Serial) (1967 - )
20. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry C (Serial) (1979 - )�����


American Institute of Physics/American Physical Society (AIP/APS)
PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive)

AIP Digital Archive

  1. Applied Physics Letters (1962 – 1998)
  2. Chaos (1991 – 1998)
  3. Journal of Applied Physics (1931 – 1998)
  4. The Journal of Chemical Physics (1933 – 1998)
  5. Journal of Mathematical Physics (1960 – 1998)
  6. Physics of Fluids (1958 – 1998)
  7. Physics of Plasmas (1958 – 1998)
  8. Review of Scientific Instruments (1930 – 1998)


PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive)

  1. Physical Review Letters (1958 – Present)
  2. Physical Review Series III (1970 – Present)
  3. Physical Review Series II (1913 – 1969)
  4. Physical Review Series I (1893 – 1912)
  5. Reviews of Modern Physics (1929 – Present)
  6. Physical Review Special Topics (1998 – Present)
  7. Physical Review ST Accel. Beams
  8. Physical Review ST Physics Ed. Research


Institute of Physics (IOP), UK – Digital Archive: 1874 – 2000

  1. Classical & Quantum Gravity (1984 – Date)
  2. Europhysics Letters (EPL) (1986 – Date)
  3. Journal of Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics (2003 – Date)
  4. Journal of High Energy Physics (1997 – Date)
  5. Journal of Instrumentation (2006 – Date)
  6. Journal of Physics A: General Physics (1968 – 1972)
  7. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & General (1975 – 2006)
  8. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical (2007 – Date)
  9. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear & General (1973 – 1974)
10. Journal of Physics B: Atomic & Molecular Physics (1968 – Date)
11. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (1968 – 1988)
12. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (1989 – Date)
13. Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics (1968 – Date)
14. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (1968 – 1989)
15. Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics (1971 – 1988)
16. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear & Particle Physics (1975 – 1988)
17. Journal of Scientific Instruments (1923 – 1967)
18. Measurement Science & Technology (1990 to Date)
19. Nanotechnology (1988 – Date)
20. Nonlinearity (1988 – Date)
21. Nuclear Fusion (1960 – date)
22. Physica Scripta ( 1970 – date)
23. Physics in Medicine and Biology ( 1956 – date)
24. Proceedings of the Physical Society (1926 – 1948)
25. Proceedings of the Physical Society – Sec. A (1949 – 1957)
26. Proceedings of the Physical Society – Sec. B (1949 – 1957)
27. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London (1874 – 1925)
28. Reports on Progress in Physics (1934 – Date)
29. Semiconductor Science & Technology (1986 – Date)
30. Superconductor Science & Technology (1988 – Date)


Nature Digital Archive: (1869 – Present)


Taylor & Francis – Physics & Chemistry Archive

Physics Archive� (1798 – 1996)
�[Journals included are over 30/ Over 1300 volumes of peer reviewed research]

Chemistry Archive (1949 – 1996)
�[Journals included are over 40/ Over 1440 volumes of peer reviewed research]


Springer Archive (Journals & Book Series)

Springer Book Sr. – Backfiles/Archives

  1. Lecture Notes in Physics: 1969 - 1996
  2. Advances in Solid State Physics: 1954 -1996
  3. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics: 1922 - 1996
  4. Topics in Applied Physics: 1973 -1996

Springer Online Journal Archive (Physics & Astronomy)

  1. IL Cimento (1843 - )
  2. IL Nuovo Cimento (1855 - )
  3. IL Nuovo Cimento A (1843 - )
  4. IL Nuovo Cimento B (1965 - )
  5. IL Nuovo Cimento C (1978 - )
  6. IL Nuovo Cimento D (1982 - )
  7. Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy (1980 - )
  8. Journal of Phase Equilibrium & Diffusion (1980 - )
  9. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1949 - )
10. Lettere Nuovo Cimento (1969 - )
11. Pramana (1973 - )
12. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (1983 - )
13. Acta Mathematica Hungarica (1946 - )
14. Acta Mechanica (1965 - )
15. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (1988 - )
16. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing (1973 - )
17. Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics (1973 - )
18. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (1960 - )
19. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (1957 - )
20. Archive of Applied Mechanics (1929 - )
21. Astrophysics (1965 - )
22. Astrophysics and Space Science (1968 - )
23. Atomic Energy (1956 - )
24. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (1969 - )
25. Chromatographia (1968 - )
26. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves (1965 - )
27. Communications in Mathematical Physics (1965 - )
28. Computational Mechanics (1986 - )
29. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (1989 - )
30. Czechoslavak Journal of Physics (1952 - )
31. Earth, Moon, and Planets (1969 - )
32. Electrical Engineering (1912 - )
33. European Biophysics Journal(1974 -)
34. Experimental Astronomy (1989 - )
35. Experiments in Fluids (1983 - )
36. Few Body Systems (1986 - )
37. Fire Technology (1965 - )
38. Fluid Dynamics (1970 - )
39. Foundations of Physics (1970 - )
40. Foundations of Physics Letters (1988 - )
41. General Relativity and Gravitation (1962 - )
42. Heat and Mass Transfer (1968 - )
43. Hyperfine Interactions (1975 - )
44. International Applied Mechanics (1966) –
45. International Journal of Infrared and Milimeter Waves (1980 - )
46. International Journal of Theoretical Physics (1968 - )
47. International Journal of Thermophysics (1980 - )
48. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (1965 - )
49. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy (1964 - )
50. Journal of Biological Physics (1973 - )
51. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics (1962 - )
52. Journal of Fusion Energy (1981 - )
53. Journal of Low Temperature Physics (1969 - )
54. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (1968 - )
55. Journal of Russian Laser Research (1980 - )
56. Journal of Statistical Physics (1969 - )
57. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (1988 - )
58. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (1969 - )
59. Letters in Mathematical Physics (1975 - )
60. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (1993 - )
61. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (1948 - )
62. Monatshefte fur Chemie/Chemical Monthly (1880 - )
63. Nonlinear Dynamics (1990 - )
64. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (1977 - )
65. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (1963 - )
66. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics (1965 – )
67. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (1974 - )
68. Rheologica Acta (1958 - )
69. Russian Physical Journal (1965 - )
70. Shock Waves (1965 - )
71. Solar Physics (1990 - )
72. Space Science Reviews (1962 - )
73. Structural and Multidiscplinary Optimization (1989 - )
74. The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review (1989 - )
75. The European Physical Journal A (1920 - )
76. The European Physical Journal B (1962 - )
77. The European Physical Journal C (1979 - )
78. The European Physical Journal D (1986 - )
79. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (1989 - )
80. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (1969 - )
81. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation & �Modeling (1962 - )
82. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) (1950 - )

�Wiley Journal Back-file Collections

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (1962-1997)

Chemistry Backfile Collection

1. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (1834-1998)
2. Applied Organometallic Chemistry (1987-1995)
3. Chemie in Unserer Zeit (1967-1999)
4. Chemkon (1994-2001)
5. Chirality (1989-1995)
6. Helvetica Chimica Acta (1918-1998)
7. Heteroatom Chemistry (1990-1995)
8. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (1969-1995)
9. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (1967-1995)
10. Journal of Computational Chemistry (1980-1995)
11. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (1987-1995)
12. Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (1892-1997)

Materials Science Backfile Collection

1. Advanced Materials (1989-1997)
2. Advanced Functional Materials (1992-1995)
3. Chemical Vapour Deposition (1995-1997)
4. Fire & Materials (1976-1995)
5. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Pt. A (1967-1995)
6. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Pt. B (1990-1995)
7. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology (1979-1995)
8. Materials and Corrosion (1950-1997)
9. Materialswissenschaft� und Werkstofftechnik (1970-1998)
10. Particle and Particle System Characterization (1984-1997)
11. Polymer Composites (1980-1995)
12. Polymer Engineering and Science (1961-1995)
13. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (1979-1995)
14. Surface and Interface Analysis

Polymer Backfile Collection

1. Acta Polymerica (1979-1997)
2. Advances in Polymer Technology (1981-1995)
3. Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie (1967-1997)
     (Macromolecular Materials & Engineering)
4. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (1959-1995)
5. Journal of Polymer Science (1946-1995)
     (Journal of Polymer Science – Part A: Polymer Chemistry)
6. Journal of Polymer Science (1946 – 1995)
     (Journal of Polymer Science – Part B: Polymer Physics)
7. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (1947-1997)
8. Macromolecular Rapid Communications (1980-1997)
9. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations (1992-1997)
10. Polymer International (1969-1995)
     (Formerly British Polymer Journal)
11. Polymers for Advanced Technologies (1990-1995)


Printed Journals available in the IACS Library


Acta Physica Hungarica (Continued as Heavy Ion Physics), 1951 -

Acta Physica Polonica, 1932 -

Advances in Physics, 1952 -

Advanced Materials , 2005-

American Journal of Physics, 1948-

Angewandte Chemie, International English Edition, 1948 -


Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 1974 -

Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 1910 -

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1951 -


Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1949 -

Chemical Physics Letters, 1968 -

Chemical Society Review, 1972 -

Chemistry Letters, 1977-

Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 1966 -

Current Science, 1932 -


Defence Science Journal, 1962 –


European Physical Journal A, B and D, 1998 -


Glasnik Matematicki, 1966 –

Gyan-O-Vigyan (in Bengali Language), 1986  –


Immunology and Cell Biology, 1987 -

Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1974 -

Indian Journal of Chemistry A & B, 1976 -

Indian Journal of the History of Science, 1978 -

Indian Journal of Physics, 1926 -

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics1979 -

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1963 -

Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics , 1974-

Indian Science Cruiser, 1987 -

Inorganic Chemistry Communication, 2003 -



Mathematical Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1910 -


Nature, 1870 -

New Scientist, 1971-


Organic Electronics, 2002 -

Osaka Journal of Mathematics , 1949 -


Physics Letters A & B, 1967 -

Physics Reports,1971 -

Physics Today, 1970 -

Polyhedron, 1982 -

Polymer, 1960 -

Pramana : Journal of Physics, 1973 -

Proc. of the Indian Academy of Science: Math. Sci., 1980 - 

Proc. of the Ind. Nat. Science Acad.  Pt. A & B, 1970 -

Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. Sec.A: Math. Sci, 1928 -

Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1949 -

Progress of Theoretical Physics : Supplement, 1995 -


Reports on Progress in Physics, 1934 -

Resonance, 1996 -


Sadhana: Proc. of the Ind. Acad. Sci-Engineering Sci, 1993 -

Sankhya: Indian Journal of Statistics, 1960 -

Science Magazine, 1948 -

Science and Culture, 1935 -

Scientific American, 1937 -

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1979 -

Spectrochemica Acta A, 1967 -


Tetrahedron Letters, 1960 -

Thin Solid Films, 1974 -


Yokohama Mathematical Journal, 1993 -


Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Pt.1 & 2(Applied Physics Express), 1964 -

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1980  -

Journal of Biosciences, 1979 -

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1979 -

Journal of Earth System Science, 1979 -

Journal of Genetics, 1985 -

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society1924 -

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 1952 -

Journal of Luminescence, 1977 -

Journal of Mathematical Science (Univ. of Tokyo), 1994 -

Journal of the Nat. Inst. of Inf. & Com. Tech., Japan, 1988 -

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1978 -

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1945 -

Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 1947-,%20Kolkata

List of some highly used e-books

Books Title


A Practical Guide to Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy          9780470139233
A Practical Guide to Supermolecular Chemistry 9780470866566
Acoustics     9780122561900
Absorption by Powders and Porous Solids 9780125989206
Additives in Polymers – Industrial Analysis and Applications 9780470012062
Advanced Catalysis and Nanostructured Materials 9780125084604
Advanced Organic Chemistry 9780121381103
Advances in Computational Biology,Vol.2 9781559389792
Advances in Crystal Growth Research 9780444507471
Advances in Photochemistry, Vol.29 9780470037584
Advances in Plasma-Growth Hydrogenated Films 9780125330305
Advances in Structural Biology,Vol.4 9781559389679
Advances in Structural Biology,Vol.5 9780762305469
Advances in Structural Biology,Vol.6 9780762305940
Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Methods Reported in US Patents 9780080444741
Analytical Methods in Supermolecular Chemistry 9783527610273
Anticancer Drug Development 9780120726516
Antioxidant and Redox Regulation of Genes 9780126366709
Applications to Inorganic and Miscellaneous Materials 9780444820860
Applied Surfactants – Principles and Applications 9783527604814
Artificial Enzymes 9783527606641
Atom Interferometry 9780120924608
ATPases 9781559386623
Basic 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectroscopy 9780444518118
Bioanalytical Separations 9780444506580
Bioconjugate Techniques 9780123423351
Bioenergetics 9780125181211
Biology in Physics 9780121098407
Biomathematics 9780444502735
Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology 9780470152928
Biosensors: Kinetics of Binding and Dissociation Using Fractals 9780444515124
Bioseparation Engineering 9780444504418
Biotechnology    9780120845620
Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 9780126657517
Carbohydrates 9780123120854
Carbon Alloys 9780080441634
Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies 9780080426839
Cell Chemistry and Physiology: Part.I 9781559388054
Cell Chemistry and Physiology: Part.II 9781559388061
Cell Chemistry and Physiology: Part.III 9781559388078
Cell Chemistry and Physiology: Part.IV 9781559388085
Cellular Organelles 9781559388030
Charge Transfer in DNA – From Mechanism to 9783527606627
Chemical Biology – Techniques and Applications 9780470319253
Coatings on Glass 9780444501035
Complex Systems 9780444530066
Computational Materials Science 9780444513007
Computational Quantum Chemistry II- The Group Theory Calculator 9780123704566
Computational Systems Biology 9780120887866
Concepts and Terminology in Organic Stereochemistry 9780080445090
Conceptual Foundations of Materials 9780444509765
Creatine and Creatine Phosphate 9780121863401
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Structure and Dynamics of Macromolecules: Absorption and Fluorescence Studies 9780444514493
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Superlattice to Nanoelectronics 9780080443775
Symmetries in Quantum Physics 9780122484551
Terpenes – Flavors, Fragrances, Pharmaca, Pheromones 9783527609949
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Thermophysical Properties  of Materials 9780444827944
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Valence Bond Theory 9780444508898
Vibrational Spectra: Principles and Applications with Emphasis on Optical Activity 9780444895998
Wavelets in Chemistry 9780444501110
Zeolites and Ordered Mesoporus Materials: Progress and Prospects 9780444520661


List of Online Serials/Advances

Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry
Advances in Catalysis
Advances in Chemical Engineering
Advances in Chemical Physics
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry
Advances in Photochemistry
Advances in Physical organic Chemistry
Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes
Advances in Polymer Science
Advances in Quantum Chemistry
The Alkaloids
Annual Reports in  Computational Chemistry
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, A, B & C
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Annual Review of Biochemistry
Annual Review of Immunology
Annual Review of Materials Research
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Fieser & Fieser's Reagents of Organic Synthesis
Inorganic Synthesis
Organic Reactions
Organic Synthesis (Database)
Profiles of Drug Substances
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Structure and Bonding


Printed Journals available in the IACS Library


Acta Physica Hungarica (Continued as Heavy Ion Physics), 1951 -

Acta Physica Polonica, 1932 -

Advances in Physics, 1952 -

Advanced Materials , 2005-

American Journal of Physics, 1948-

Angewandte Chemie, International English Edition, 1948 -


Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 1974 -

Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 1910 -

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1951 -


Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1949 -

Chemical Physics Letters, 1968 -

Chemical Society Review, 1972 -

Chemistry Letters, 1977-

Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 1966 -

Current Science, 1932 -


Defence Science Journal, 1962 – 


European Physical Journal A, B and D, 1998 -


Glasnik Matematicki, 1966 –

Gyan-O-Vigyan (in Bengali Language), 1986  –


Immunology and Cell Biology, 1987 -

Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1974 -

Indian Journal of Chemistry A & B, 1976 -

Indian Journal of the History of Science, 1978 -

Indian Journal of Physics, 1926 -

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics1979 -

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1963 -

Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics , 1974-

Indian Science Cruiser, 1987 -

Inorganic Chemistry Communication, 2003 -



Mathematical Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1910 -


Nature, 1870 -

New Scientist, 1971-


Organic Electronics, 2002 -

Osaka Journal of Mathematics , 1949 -


Physics Letters A & B, 1967 -

Physics Reports,1971 -

Physics Today, 1970 -

Polyhedron, 1982 -

Polymer, 1960 -

Pramana : Journal of Physics, 1973 -

Proc. of the Indian Academy of Science: Math. Sci., 1980 - 

Proc. of the Ind. Nat. Science Acad.  Pt. A & B, 1970 -

Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. Sec.A: Math. Sci, 1928 -

Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1949 -

Progress of Theoretical Physics : Supplement, 1995 -


Reports on Progress in Physics, 1934 -

Resonance, 1996 -


Sadhana: Proc. of the Ind. Acad. Sci-Engineering Sci, 1993 -

Sankhya: Indian Journal of Statistics, 1960 -

Science Magazine, 1948 -

Science and Culture, 1935 -

Scientific American, 1937 -

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1979 -

Spectrochemica Acta A, 1967 -


Tetrahedron Letters, 1960 -

Thin Solid Films, 1974 -


Yokohama Mathematical Journal, 1993 -


Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Pt.1 & 2(Applied Physics Express), 1964 -

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1980  -

Journal of Biosciences, 1979 -

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1979 -

Journal of Earth System Science, 1979 -

Journal of Genetics, 1985 -

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society1924 -

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 1952 -

Journal of Luminescence, 1977 -

Journal of Mathematical Science (Univ. of Tokyo), 1994 -

Journal of the Nat. Inst. of Inf. & Com. Tech., Japan, 1988 -

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1978 -

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1945 -

Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 1947-


