Indian Journal of Physics
Indian Journal of Physics
Subscription Announcement
Indian Journal of Physics is a pioneering journal founded by Sir C V Raman in 1926, devoted to the publication of significant, original and current scientific research results. Sir C. V. Raman was the first editor. The second volume of the Journal published his famous article "A New Radiation", reporting the discovery of Raman Effect. It is published monthly, containing 12 regular issues in a year, from January to December. ISSN 0973-1458.
Starting from January 2009, Indian Journal of Physics is being co-published with Springer ( Springer also distributes print version of the Journal worldwide. 2019 impact factor is 1.407 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports®).
Astrophysics, Atmospheric & Space Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, General & Interdisciplinary Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics & Complex Systems, Nuclear Physics, Optics & Spectroscopy, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Relativity & Cosmology, Statistical Physics
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